

Page history last edited by Robert Baker 8 months, 1 week ago







Sent: 06-06-2024 01:16
From: Josiah Everett Flournoy George
Subject: JavaScript & Numerical Analyses

I have an idea. .. Teach physics & modeling & coding JavaScript. oPhysics.com has produced many models that can be used for educational purposes, I include the incline plane/sliding block problem in freshman physics, I am 64 year old & have seen fads come & go. One fad Flash was supposed to be like the geogebra used in oPhysics,com. No such luck. Hackers made Flash unsafe.

I don't think GeoGebra will be around in a decade, but JavaScript will. My JavaScript App for an incline plane is here. I have not done it yet, but I'll put all of the style parameters in a css file, all of the code in a js file, then one has a short w3c canvas code of the js segment to embed in any web page for education purposes. The code requires NO 3rd party & NO special SDK downloads. Also, I'll develop comments in the js file to interface with DOxygen so you get code similar to DOxygen Examples & CalcLib .

The app & the code are teaching tools. The sliding block app could teach Numerical Analysis with Runge-Kutta & 4 by 4 camera matrix translate rotate (neither of which is needed) & have library quality numerical analysis in the js file.

I also need to live in another country. I can never get the hypertension treatment that I need in the US. I need to secure funding & I can also continue writing articles for layman @ jefgeorge.com & give this nation a chance to heal. There is more info of my history here.

People comment that Runge-Kutta & camera matrices are not beginner topics. However, I saw the great interest expressed when I released my Runge-Kutta application of a rocket in Special Relativity (SR). In a few pages of code, many were propelled to the forefront of Classical SR & understood much of the code. This proposal is directed to those people. They see what one can do, take a semester course in programming a couple of years of Freshman Physics & Calculus & they are up to speed in reading the code. My maxim always is: "The best coding teacher is well commented code that works!"

Any Suggestions??



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