Whistler Wave in Argon Plasma Movie
Rail gun Movie
From the Left- Dr. Walter Gekelman, Brian Baum, Kevin Kuns, Max Praglin, Roland Hwang, Joe Wise
Joe Wise demonstrating the need to ground the Langmuir probe to the chamber wall
Roland grounds the probe to the chamber wall
Argon Plasma
Kevin Kuns and Max Praglin record their data in a density experiment
Kevin records data as Max measures probe position
Student designed gear reduction system
Plasma generated in the Tokamak
Plasma source in Tokamak
One of four helical spirals in the Tokamak
Kevin, Max, and Bob setting up an experiment
First Electron Beam in Chamber
Side View of Electron Beam
Top View of Electron Beam
1/31/09 - Occidental College Physics Teachers' Meeting
Gabby Amy and Robin at Occidental College
Gabby at Occidental College
Amy at Occidental College
Roland at Occidental College
Max at Occidental College
Max, Roland, Amy Gabby and Robin at Occidental College
Whistler Waves Data 8/7/09. This data represents the amplitude of the signal along a line from the wave launching antenna to the end of the machine. The distance along the line is on the horizontal axis. In general, an undamped wave has a time and space variation of the form B sin(wt + kx), where w is 2pi divided by the time period, and k is 2pi divided by the wavelength (wavelength=spatial period). From this data we can measure the wavelength to be approximately 20 cm based on the separation of the peaks along the horizontal axis. The frequency of the launched wave was 58 MHz, which we knew already, but is also apparent from the vertical axis. So the wave fronts propagate at about 1 cm per nanosecond, or 3% of the speed of light in vacuum. Note that the bumps in the intensity seem to be due to additional wavefronts from a backward-going wave, which is probably a reflection from the far end of the machine. The first 3 pictures are components of the magnetic field in the x, y, and z directions, and the 4th picture is simply the time variation of the launched wave, which does not depend on the position of the probe.
Whistler Waves Data 8/7/09
Whistler Waves Data 8/7/09
Whistler Waves Data 8/7/09
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